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Advertising Guidelines

The advertising content must be clearly identifiable as advertisement.

The advertiser must fulfill the advertised offer as stated in the advertisement including, without limitation, not altering any offer periods, product offers, or prices that are stated in the advertisement.

Advertisements cannot mislead the user. For example, ads may not mimic or resemble Windows/Mac/Unix dialog boxes, error messages, or the like.

Advertisements cannot solicit or collect, or appear to solicit or collect, any personally indentifiable information from our users without their knowledge.

Advertisements cannot mimic our user experience (look and feel, buttons, etc.).

Adverisers who do collect information from customers must include a prominent link to their privacy policy on their Web site

Click-throuh URSs cannot launch stand-alone video/audo players or otherwise display content outside the standard browser window, and may not result in the launch of multiple browser windows.

We reserve the right to preserve the user experience of this site, and reserve the right to reject or remove any advertisement that is deemed annoying and/or harmful to our users at any time.

Please fill out the following form to contact us regarding advertising

We are currently only excepting 468x60 pixel banner advertisements.

The banner add can be in JPEG or GIF format only, and must be less than 75kb in size.

You add will be displayed at the bottom of every page on our site.


Please fill out the following form to contact us regarding advertising

Advertisement Inquiry
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Name: *
2. Email: *
3. Your Advertising Inquiry: *